Rain World: Gourmand - 23 - the spongy light taste of rock and berry mix


this is a real weird episode but honestly I kinda really dig it okay, so, alright. I looked at the abstract world map that crow is maintaining in the thread's OP, and I think I know what I want to do. Go from Wastes to Industry. From there, go to Pipeland. Napping in Pipeland will fill up one of my exp bars and I'll get a third warp. However, Pipeland also connects to Sky Island, and hopefully I can find what I want there. Really, the hope is that I find everything else through this single line. Is that possible ?! let's find out http://www.patreon.com/raocow https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21080

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