God Hand - 11 part 2 - kibitzer 2.99


video starts out *pretty slow* but I feel like it's an important part of what happens main changes: redid my whole chain to hopefully output more damage changed my guard break to a more damaging attack: this way even if I just kind of throw it out there the damage is still worth it later change, which ended up I think being the crucial one: changed the last hit of my string. The kick used to push enemies away, which is something that can be useful in like a group or whatever, but I realised that while I was doing the string in godmode I'd constantly push enemies away and lose valuable time where I wasn't doing any hitting! so now I think my whole chain is an actual loop, and I think that's what was bringing me down. ..?! http://www.patreon.com/raocow https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20897

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