Gaming 101 by AUS I... did not like my experience with this level. It's a pity because it starts out really nice, as in the joke is really unobstrusive, and it's pretty impression how at least on the first glance, it seems very good at anticipating what players may do. But then, the 'red sky' happen and it just looses all its charm, and starts to kind of feel like abuse. Even if its meant to be ironic or whatever, being screamed at for sucking when the game is hilariously unfair is just not fun at all. Distorted Travesty could pull it off because while it was hard it wasn't (for the most part) unreasonable, and knew it was hard. I dunno. This just rubbed me the wrong way, and the script just wasn't funny to me at all when that started. I mean, it got voted to 5th by its peers, so obviously not everyone thought like me, but... *shrug*