Mario Gives Up - 3 - doubt

Categories: Mario Gives Up 3

0:17 CASTLE 1 2:04 Land of the Moles 7:18 Desert Mounds ╖ 11:35 SPECIAL 'A' so yeah, dropping the dragon coin run. Like I'll go out of my way to 'get' them if I see them, but I won't return to a level to look intensively nor keep myself from getting a midpoint for them, because of that one level. Like, 'one level and you are out' seems kinda harsh, maybe, but for let's play purposes I would rather play without the lingering doubt of 'oh man did I miss it or are they just not there ?!'. And if there IS a full set hidden in that level and I somehow didn't find any more than the two I got... then they are probably too well hidden to be worth it, haha. Alright then, forward with no more distractions!

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