SMJ Truth Story - 35 - sky

Categories: Super Mario Japan - Truth Story

1:32 Midnight sky with UFO level starts relatively late because I explain how the postgame works and whatnot. Also yeah, sorry if I didn't 'really' beat the level but man. The biggest crime a level can do is be boring, and I was feeling genuinely bored. Like if I had a facecam, you would that from start-to-suddenlyimpossible, I'm basically slumped in my chair lazily pressing the arrow keys for a solid two minute. SOLID TWO MINUTE OF NOTHING. Like sure it's fun to learn and whatnot but once you do, there is nothing left. And then it's this impossible wall of SOMETHING that i'm sure there is a solution to but at some point I'M like no, no this is not enjoyable. So that's a great start to the postgame, eh kids ?!

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