Valdis Story - 25 - 'final' - Lucifer; or 'gneh'

Categories: Valdis Story

I think I'm going to be stopping this run. Like, it's obvious that I hit a wall with what I can do, and I recognise that I need to grind a bit and level up and stuff. The problem is... I don't want to do that. It's not something that I find fun to do. And that has been the issue mostly with this game, recently. Like... The game is a very good production for being made by just two persons. It's very complex and there are a lot of neat ideas, and I love the creature and demon designs. However, for the past week or so I just haven't been having fun, like at all. It's not really the difficulty, y'all know I like hard games, but it's the 'kind' of difficulty. It's like my brain can't really parse 'how can I become better' in the slighest, and although I could struggle my way through encounters up to now, I don't think I can win anymore. This is a game that will make some players really really happy, but that player won't be me unfortunately. I'd rather just cut my loss and leave it there then leave the game truly angry like mariari or something, Sorry about this y'all, but I gave it an honest try.

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