YUMP2: Bowsers castle - 52 - the bowser room

Categories: YUMP2

0:00 Bowsers castle, arcade edition 0:29 FISH ROOM 4:25 PENCIL ROOM 8:36 FINAL CLIMB 14:58 BOWSER so, let's talk about bowser. the level is cool I'm not sure why all the cool stuff is tucked at the end, but I appreciate it! I even learned to appreciate moving on non-stick platform! but let's talk about bowser. My bowser fight was about 1h45min and I was considering making it it's own video. Thing is.. it's one hour fourty-five minutes of nearly identical footage. The fight was a *grind*. Slowly learning every little nuance, every motion, how to place myself to control what bowser and the boys do, and not just react. Finding all the salient points would be a nightmare. Also: wow boy howdy am I mean to myself. If someone told to me what I tell to myself, like, I would be more than upset. I would be fuming. So I'm thinking.. I should probably be nicer to myself ?! Anyway yeah so have a condensed version. And with that I beat the game !!! like sure I used a save here or there through the game but I bet there's one path that leads to the castle where I didn't. Or something? Saves will be more frequent during the post game. http://www.patreon.com/raocow https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19401

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