All the Sonics - 265 - ice

Categories: Sonic Adventure

came out of nowhere it's moving so fast yeah!! another iconic moment from this game for me also: a good question I was asked after the previous video: considering the flicky clause, wouldn't this mean I should have added games from the Nights Into Dreams series ? My answer is no, but almost yes. The way Flicky works is that they are a crucial, central aspect of two Sonic games, including being a controllable in a crazy way (people who know what I'm talking about know what I mean here, don't say anything though). Like if in this casino at some point you litteraly took control of the jester and beat a level or something, then I would accept it. But alas his dancing around is just a cameo, and cameos are too slippery a slope I think. we'll get back on that when ats proper is done though

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