A Hat in Time - 4 - svedberg

Categories: A Hat in Time

2.1: DEAD BIRD STUDIO like, the game can be funny. I laugh at intentionally funny text in this very video several times. but any and all humour coming from these two characters just fall super flat for me. It's not even bad, it's worse in that it's 'nothing'. It evokes nothing, and takes forever to go through. Like you cannot have a dialogue like this work. If you are gonna have two characters argue, you can't control the flow with having to press a button every other line, you need to like commit to an FMV or something. You could possibly make it work by not having voice-work, in which case it's more like a book, and I think it would work fine, but presented as is.. I don't like it. gameplay is great though http://www.patreon.com/raocow https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19088

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