24ade! - FINAL - 25th - blah blah blah

Categories: Advent Christmas '19 - 24th Annual December Event!

this is it the end of it all stay true to each other and if only on this one day, try to focus all your energy on love and not hate may these past 25 days be an example to what all of life should be LINKS that sweet song video that was posted! https://youtu.be/Szh0nhkExik SMBX beta4 Trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRo6j8Axwn4 a sweet picture of a duck I google image searched! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjV1LeoqdHmAhWpnuAKHUoBCNkQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffreshwallpapers.net%2Fanimals-andamp-birds%2Fsweet-duck.html&psig=AOvVaw1PhNl2FQV0pkQ0kvpVFikp&ust=1577381277592016 lol tha tlink is huge https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18879

video description