Yup. Playing difficult games 'legimitaly' comes with a price. The price of realising that you will not always win. Modern games are made to be won 100% of the time, but this is not always the case with amateur or indepent game. And, uhm, yes. I'm sure some peeps will say that I've already done harder, or that I could totally learn this thing, but... I'm just not willing. Some things are not worth it. I pushed myself a lot harder than I thought I could through this game, but a mixture of unpreditacle lengths and difficulties made me unwilling to push it in this thing. I rewinded-scum the level so we could see the traps and whatnot, but essentially I consider the game 'unbeaten'. Guys, I didn't beat the video game. And that's totally fine. http://www.raocow.com http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4381