let's double dragon 2 (??)

Categories: Miscellaneous Videos and One-shots | previously missing

Lots of you guys out there are pretty smart, so answer me this. What is the first anything that was the continuation of something, and for the name they just slapped on a 2 on it? Like, when you think about it, just taking [existing name] and then slapping a two on the side is not fairly creatively lazy, it seems kind of... demeaning, if you think about it? It's very 'consumer' at least, and I always thinks it sounds a bit 'off' when people are going like 'let's define the best of [something]!!' and there is a number slapped in there. Thing is nobody reacts at all to this way of naming sequels, it's pretty imbedded in our culture, for better or for worst. So what was the first one?

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