Another random video from series Super Mario World The Reture

SMW The Reture - Iggy's Tower and finale

Categories: Super Mario World The Reture

Welp! I don't know if I'm going to change the world, but it's a thing! I wish to thank (appologize to?) ShodanWii for the opportunity of testing out this 'savestate-less' thing going on. I still believe it's a good idea and something that must be done: we romhacker players have been taking these games and savestating for granted! And it lead to incredibly horrible, monstuous things! So yeah, in the future I guess I should consider doing 'one video per level' unless I'm like super certain or something, which would be difficult in a blind context. Would such a thing work with blind though? That's a good question, though that's how the japanese tend to do it. Hmm! With that said, this was a thing. Also, what's a reture?

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