JUMP - 2 - Buried Treasure

Categories: JUMP

0:47 Chuckleton Plains 6:49 Salty Roasted Peanuts [left unfinished] 8:25 The Untitled Sky Level Place 10:29 Musical Grasslands I just can't help but shake that 'asmt'-like feeling, which is weird because there is very little (if none at all) cross-over between level makers in the game. Is it the titles, sometimes clever, sometimes stupidly vague like I like? Is it that weird sense of 'just do a thing' without really thinking about it too hard? like it feels more like asmt than a2mt's corpse did. http://www.patreon.com/raocow http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16521

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