AtMM One-Shot - Megaman Board Game - a century in the curse of time

Categories: AtMM One-Shots | All the Mega Men

like an every night, tonight ooh boy. First of all, this being a (simulated) board game, there's someone else with me, so DON'T PANIC IF YOU HEAR ANOTHER VOICE. It's perfectly normal. It's Hitotsumami! a long time friend of mine and huge board game enthousiast. Recording this footage was a huge hassle because none of my usual programs would work normally. Finally got something to work, but for the first minute or so I was also accidently recording a bit of my desktop, which just so happen to have some personal files on that part of the desktop, so I had to very subtly cover it. And ultimate, about the game itself? I feel like they did a really interesting job in trying to capture the megamanness of the game. Really tried to integrate all the various bits of gameplay that define megaman games, and on that end I feel like they are very successful but... the game just isn't that fun? Everything boils down to luck it feels like, and the two players don't really interact at all. If the two players could actually intereact, or even better if this was some sort of co-op game, I'd be interesting to see how it would work out. Background audio provided by my computer fan.

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