Y.I.L.D.C. - momentarily skippedth place - Patgangster

Categories: Yoshi Island Level Design Contest! (2012)

I may not be very good at video games, however I like tot hink that I have developed over the year a certain eye for platformers. I can somewhat quickly parse what is expected of me in a series of platforms and develope a key strategy, assuming no trickeries or any other missing information. I'm pretty sure I could never do that jump, hahaha~ You pretty much have the time to throw two eggs if you are timed perfectly, so you have to erase the top part of the spike cluster, and after wards time a perfect double jump, all in the span of about three fourth of a second. I know when I'm defeated! If this was smw I would have kept trying, but i'm just so muddy with yoshi island that I felt it wasn't worth it. That and I pretty much had the consent from the level maker right from the start! the above test contains spoilers about this video http://www.raocow.com http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11776

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