3000 Leagues in Search of Bowser - 4 - three men in a boat

Categories: 3000 Leagues in Search of Bowser

Wind over the Bounding Main Watchtower Rest Stop The Great Seabed Adventure The Trap of the Hidden Golden Star Resort Shortcut Well, unless the coins magically turn out, I think I'm not going to hunt down the dragon coins anymore! It's just kind of frustrating backtracking and finding out they are just not there. Those breasts living in the wall will just have to keep haunting me. Also: for people who are not really touhou fans, there are no 'injokes' or whatever that you are missing. The text is just silly but isn't referential, in fact all the game now is like a regular mario hack, but with some arbritary sprite replacements. You do not have to worry! http://www.raocow.com http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12928

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