The Second Reality Project: Reloaded ad infinitum - 4 - chill chill volcanosaurus

Categories: The Second Reality Project: Reloaded (2013/2014)

I woke up because of a dream this morning. In my dream I had found a slanted road, basically a paved road on a moderatly steep hill. The road was perfectly smooth, and it was raining on it. With each rain drop that plopped against the surface, you could hear the dying thought of a person, basically the last thought a person had before dying. This was.. surprisingly reassuring, in a sense, as the vast majority of them seemed either unconcerned or at peace, generaly. Anyway, that's not what woke me up. Over to the side of the road, a fairy and unsourced voices where arguing about the age of the oldest voice on the road. The voices said it had to be like tens of thousands of years old, while the fairy argued it had to be signficantly younger. Using some dream process, I managed to measure the age of the drops at a little more than 4000 years; the fairy agreed with this measure, as it more or less approximated the length of written history, and when we can be sure that humans where as 'human' as we are now. The realisation of how young our species is startled me enough that I woke up. Yup.

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