Katamari Damacy REROLL - 13 - banana bunch ⬿ fruit

Categories: Katamari Damacy REROLL

back when I played the sequel, I remember this... experience that happened when I reached a similar scale of katamari. You spend the whole game dealing with cars and walls and trees being in the way. You are always very much part of the world. You are used to getting bigger, but it's always a sort of 'reasonable' big. You're still part of the world. But then you hit a level where you keep getting bigger. And then you catch a car. You nab a whole tree. Nothing stops you. There are no more barriers. You cannot be this big. It is impossible to be this big. It is awe-inspiring And honestly? even though I'm a jaded veteran, it still works. It still totally, completely lands. And at the end of the session, you rest your controller, and mentally you're like 'wow, so this is how it goes. Of course, this makes sense.' Satisfied. The rest of the game is gonna be reaching this level of size, that makes sense. That makes sense, right. http://www.patreon.com/raocow https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19352

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