vldcx - 52 - lives (if needed)

Categories: SMWC Vanilla Level Design Contest 10

0:24 - 46th - Pseudogon - Sweet Tooth 5:23 - 45th - Hobz - CLAUSTROPHOBICLIMB 11:26 - 44th - Luks - Ball Breaker I did say that the d-side would be temporary, so let's cash in on that for those who may not have been aware, I did consider making the d-side permanent and have my little 'just do what I want' corner, but eventually I was persuaded to let go of that idea. What ultimately made me change my mind was that... like, you know how I say that I like running multiple series so people have a choice? Well some peeps are totally into all the series that I am playing, and want to watch everything... and roughly an hour and a half to two hours of video every day is a bit much. And like, yeah, that's correct. Time is finite. I shouldn't be greedy. It's pretty telling that this is what convinced me and not, like, health concerns from overworking. http://www.patreon.com/raocow https://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19220

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