Categories: The Second Reality Project 2 (Youtube Edition)

Final Fight WELP! To anyone who is curious to what is going on in the comments that end up being edited out on a daily basis, this is the sort of nonsense that you're missing on. So, basically, nothing special. With that said - wow! It's over! This felt really meaty, and I'm glad I gave it a spin. It was hard, sometimes felt really unfair, but I crashed on through, and ultimately made it! Hooray! COMMING UP NEXT - I got a lot of good suggestions in my forum, but I've decided to return to a japanese sort of hack. It's a little known one, but JAPL had lots of good things to say about it, and his enthousiasm convinced me. Talkhauser Cup already translated the first world to me, and it's my hope to have some translations available as I go through. What can I say, the big projects take a while to take off! With that said, see y'all next time! (Or in Chelsea, either or) http://www.raocow.com http://talkhaus.raocow.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1557

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